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Your Objectives CRC10 vous propose ses prestations de conseil et formation en Aide à la Vente - Activation des Ventes (Sales Enablement) afin d'augmenter la productivité des forces commerciales par des programmes spécifiques et adaptés à votre activité. Un cursus de développement dédié et spécifique des consultants avant-ventes (technico-commerciaux) permet de se différencier véritablement en clientèle lors de la qualification détaillée des besoins et la présentation de solutions complexes. http://www.crc10.com/Sales-Enablement-Formation-Vente/en/your-objectives Sun, 12 May 2024 02:28:35 +0000 Joomla! 1.5 - Open Source Content Management en-gb Your Objectives http://www.crc10.com/Sales-Enablement-Formation-Vente/en/your-objectives/2-vos-objectifs http://www.crc10.com/Sales-Enablement-Formation-Vente/en/your-objectives/2-vos-objectifs Select your primary objectives in order to be redirected towards relevant proposals or sujects. However, because it does not replace a real conversation, we propose to deliver a free customised audit when contacting us. This will help you identify your key needs, priorities as well as work directions that will lead to an optimised return.



We want a more powerful sales force when having sales conversations 


Command of the Message


 The continuing Market evolution as well as our solution changes require a sustained effort to train our sales force


Design of Quarterly Development Programs


We need to have our sales new hire operational as soon as possible


Sales New Hire on-boarding programs


We want to develop a strategic sales skills development program to help our sales articulate our value messaging in sales conversations


Command of the Message


Internal training must be more vivid and close to the operational reality of our Sales Force


Customer based Role Play scenario Design


We need to quantify our solution's or service's value and articulate it in front of the client. We have to deliver Fiancial Projections or ROI assessments.


Business Case and Financial Projections Development


We want to increase the synergy between our Sales and our Presales teams


Specific Presales Training Program


We would like our presales to be concise and hard-hitting during customer conversations or presentations. We expect our presales to make a difference and be more than just a Powerpoint voice!


Specific Presales Training Program


We seek better navigation skills in complex client organisations and a higher control of the Sales Cycle


Command of the Sale

postmaster@crc10.com (Administrator) Your Objectives Tue, 25 Jan 2011 11:15:13 +0000